This game is made by Namco in the year 1987. This is a shooter with a dragon in a fantasy-world. You move with the stick, with the one button you shoot, with the other you shoot on the ground. You fly from down to up, the screen scrolls vertical. There are some extras on the ground which you must shoot and collect. It gives you a double-head, so you get a double-shot. There is an extra which makes you small, so you can dodge better the enemies. You lose a life if you were hitten three times.

This is a nice game in a fantasy-scenario. But it isnt easy, there are many enemies in the air and on the ground. In the second level are many vulcanes. This game has eight levels. Before you lose a lifepoint you lose your extraweapon. It is maximal possible to have three heads on the dragon. You can also collect firepoints, when you have three you can shoot big fireballs. On the end of each level is a boss you must kill.
The controls are good, it is good to play. There is music in the whole game.

I played it the second half of December 2019
